This We Know
from: Get Real
ladies, ahem, and gentlemen / our age is proud of the progress we have made (Albert Einstein) THIS WE KNOW / (Adolph Hitler) THIS WE KNOW / we seek only the day when nation shall not lift up sword against nationTHIS WE KNOW / neither shall they learn war anymore (John F. Kennedy); we begin bombing in 5 minutes (Ronald Reagan) THIS WE KNOW // We hold these truths to be self evident: all life is sacred THIS WE KNOW / we hold these truths to be self evident: we are all equal THIS WE KNOW / we hold these truths to be self evident yet witness their contradiction THIS WE KNOW / let us embrace all we know, for the truth will confound the fiction THIS WE KNOW // for centuries weve asked why is there hypocrisy, greed, and suffering? THIS WE KNOW / for centuries weve condemned the perpetrators of hypocrisy, greed, and suffering / THIS WE KNOW / for centuries weve given birth to the perpetrators of all we condemn THIS WE KNOW // there are those among us, 1 in 10, that fill their homes with abuse THIS WE KNOW / there are those among us, 1 in 4, look around u, that suffer that abuse THIS WE KNOW / there are those among us with kind hearts, kind hands and eyes THIS WE KNOW / and there are those who know wherever two or more gather, there the spirit resides THIS WE KNOW // it was good and common people like u and I that filled the ranks of Nazi Germany THIS WE KNOW / it was good and common people like u and I that suffered under the ranks of Nazi Germany THIS WE KNOW / it was good and common people that raised there floorboards to shelter the masses THIS WE KNOW / the human capacity for cruelty and kindness is limitless and boundless THIS WE KNOW // (chorus) THIS WE KNOW, THIS WE KNOW, THIS WE KNOW // sun goes high, shines, shines, sun goes low THIS WE KNOW / the moon goes high, shines, the moon goes low THIS WE KNOW / the tide goes in, rolls, rolls, the tide goes out THIS WE KNOW / the people live, love, dream, and learn to shout THIS WE KNOW // (chorus) // nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror (Franklin D. Roosevelt) THIS WE KNOW / love, wisdom (Robert F, Kennedy); this is our hope. (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.); the vast majority THIS WE KNOW / want to live together, and want justice for all human beings (Robert F. Kennedy) THIS WE KNOW // the government of the people gave blankets infected with small pox to the Indians THIS WE KNOW / the government of the people funded the Tuskegee experiment to watch Black men die THIS WE KNOW / the government of the people funded the overthrow of the democratically elected Nicaraguan government THIS WE KNOW / the people of the government of the people are you and you and I and I THIS WE KNOW // but there are those among us with the power to heal all we do and have done THIS WE KNOW / and there are those who consider the impact of their actions on the 7th generation to come THIS WE KNOW / there are those among us with kind hearts, kind hands and eyes THIS WE KNOW / and there are those who know wherever 2 or more gather the spirit resides THIS WE KNOW // (chorus) // read my lips (George H. W. Bush); with this faith (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.); united there is little we cannot do (John F. Kennedy); the only thing we have to fear is fear itself (Franklin D. Roosevelt); we seek only the day (John F. Kennedy); this will be the daythis is our hope (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.)