Abraham Jam
Jewish-Muslim-Christian Super-Trio

"A Muslim, a Christian and a Jew walk into a concert hall...." For real! Abraham Jam is the brainchild of singer/songwriter and peace activist David LaMotte. Since 2015 Billy has been a member, dedicated to fostering dialogue, understanding, and celebration among folks from the three "Abrahamic" faiths. Each concert and/or workshop features a trio consisting of professional musicians from each tradition. Instead of alternating in the sharing of their songs, they participate in making music together, embodying their mutual respect and affection, rather than just talking about it. Members of Abraham Jam have included Billy, Dawud Wharnsby, Dan Nichols, David LaMotte, and Chris Rosser. For more detailed information contact susan@loydartists.com.
Visit the Abraham Jam website here to find out where we will be performing during the months ahead or to book us for a concert in your area. There are also some live videos on the site for you to enjoy!