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Vitamin Alphabet

The vitamins that ain't got letters yet; put them in a vitamin alphabet!

Vitamin A is where we start; it's the vitamin you get when you paint some…. ART!
Vitamin B – don't say maybe; it's the vitamin you get when you hold a little… BABY!
Vitamin C when you take a … CHANCE
Vitamin D when you get up and … DANCE!
Vitamin E comes from … EVERYONE who's in the band having vitamin F … FUN!

The vitamins that ain't got letters yet; put them in a vitamin alphabet!

Vitamin G is GRANDPARENTS who tuck you in snug; H is what you get when they give you a … HUG
I is INSPIRATION, from J – JUMP above; K is KIDS and L is …. LOVE!
M comes from the MUSIC we do; vitamin N is what you get trying something… NEW!
O is a surprise… OH! is what you say; vitamin P when you go outside to … PLAY!
Q is QUESTIONS, quiet and deep; R is REST and S is…. SLEEP!
If that's too boring or it takes too long, you could get vitamin S from singing our ...

The vitamins that ain't got letters yet; put them in a vitamin alphabet!

Vitamin T is a treasure of a place to be; it's the vitamin you get when you climb a … TREE!
U – yes it's true, it's the vitamin I get when I sing with … YOU!
V is a special vitamin; in the symphony, it's the … VIOLIN!
W is in the wind right now; something amazing makes you say… WOW!
XXX – what is this? At the bottom of a letter: kiss kiss kiss
Y is one of the best; when you want something and the answer is … YES!
Vitamin Z, yes its true, it's the vitmin you get when you visit the… ZOO!
That's the vitamin alphabet; you can make up your own, so it's not done… YET!

The vitamins that ain't got letters yet; put them in a vitamin alphabet!


Words & music by Billy Jonas & David Wilcox

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