Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Billy's next performances this Fall will be in Orlando, Florida from November 4-8. Will be joining us at The Marriott World Center
URJ Biennial Conference? Here's a little more about this year's conference:
New This Year
Focused, Practical Leadership Training
Wednesday through Friday programming will be tailored to lay, professional, clergy, and up-and-coming leaders, featuring learning sessions, networking opportunities, plenaries, worship, and evening entertainment. Four intensive tracks will focus on strengthening congregations, audacious hospitality, tikkun olam, and "transforming texts" (presented in partnership with HUC-JIR).
A Shabbaton Like No Other
Friday evening through Sunday promises spirited worship, Shabbat meals, learning, and a variety of unique activities from which to choose.
Presidential Candidate Forum
Moderated by Chuck Todd of Meet the Press, 2016 U.S. presidential candidates answer your questions.
Camp at Biennial
Bring the kids with you to Orlando and experience the magic of URJ summer camp at Biennial.