106%!!! 12 hours left - Ends tonight (Thursday) at midnight.
Thursday, June 14, 2018

- Charleston friends!! Come to this family-friendly event on Saturday 1/12/19Charleston friends!! Come to this family-friendly event on Saturday 1/12/19
- CONCERT for HARMONY - Reserve your seat now!!CONCERT for HARMONY - Reserve your seat now!!
- We just want to THANK YOU!!!!! We made it to our Kickstarter goal & beyond.
- 106%!!! 12 hours left - Ends tonight (Thursday) at midnight.106%!!! 12 hours left - Ends tonight (Thursday) at midnight.
- Billy's side project - Abraham Jam - has a Kickstarter event happening NOW! 2 CDs -- Check it out...
- Billy performs "Toot The Horn" at SLBC, and it is received with excitement!
- Billy had a blast at KindieComm in Philly last weekendBilly had a blast at KindieComm in Philly last weekend
- Please join the Abraham Jam, April 26th, 7 pm at Jubilee! in Asheville, NCPlease join the Abraham Jam, April 26th, 7 pm at Jubilee! in Asheville, NC
- SPECIAL EVENT!! - Abraham Jam (David LaMotte, Dawud Wharnsby & Billy Jonas) Sat, April 7 in Cary, NC SPECIAL EVENT!! - Abraham Jam (David LaMotte, Dawud Wharnsby & Billy Jonas) Sat, April 7 in Cary, NC
- NEW!!! Abraham Jam Video from the Masonic Temple (Asheville, NC 8/2017)
- LAST DAY OF HOLIDAY SALE!!!! 2+ CDs/DVDs are only $8.50 and less...LAST DAY OF HOLIDAY SALE!!!! 2+ CDs/DVDs are only $8.50 and less...
- Thursday, December 14, 2017Thursday, December 14, 2017